Monday, February 9

It's official: Iam Obese!

I had a full body check up done on Saturday after I developed yet another exotic disease. This one is called episcleritis. It basically means my eye hurts because my back hurts. Yeah, I thought it sounds weird too. So anyways, Mom freaked out and I had to get the check-up done.

In case you have never had a full body check-up done and have no clue what it feels like, let me give you a clue. You basically try to run around from one department to the other all day. It was fine and I even went along with a 'dental' exam till I saw the last stop on my checklist...

'The Dietitian'.

That's not even a valid department I protested but I was shoved in anyways. And I guess I made her day. It is for people like me she gets paid her salary. She started by saying that I am obese.


30 kgs over-weight!

WTF! 30! Yes, she said. Your system looks fine but soon you will have sugar, thyroid and pressure problems. I gulped. I could see KFC zingers and Azad Hind biriyanis slipping away from me. Her alarmist propaganda continued. And I sat in horror as she spelt out in crude details what my life was going to become.

She started spelling out my 'daily calorie intake' and my 'ideal diet'. I swear I have never felt so physically ill in my life as I did at that moment. I thought I would bury my face in my hands and cry. But she wouldn't stop. She handed me a 'vanilla flavoured' diet mix and a handout with 'foods to avoid' and 'foods to eat'.

Let me summarise the leaflet by the two pictures on each page. The first was a plate of pastries, chocolates, burgers, fries and meat. The second was grass on plate. I felt something die inside me. Nothing made sense anymore and I just shut the world out. She kept talking but I couldn't hear the words.

Finally the ordeal ended and I walked out of the horrible, horrible place. I went straight for a confectionery store and dug into two scrumptious chocolate pastries.

Then I smiled for the first time on that horrible day.


Gomes said...

Brother, run now! Let not the dietitian get you.

Seriously, eat all you like but work out and you should be fine. :)

Venting Macha said...

Tell that to my mother, she's been feeding me dry brown bread and a vanilla-flavoured, diet mix!

Iam dying... slowly :P

Anonymous said...

hehaaa!!! there goes the pizza out of ur window u glutton!!!!!

Shubzi said...

lol, 30 kilos over-weight?! seems impossible, are you very tall?
Better start exercising before you turn into those obese Americans who can't walk out of a door....
and you've been tagged :)

Unknown said...

Your misery sure gave us a few laughs! :)